The Political Week That Was – October 17, 2016

Over the past week, two realities about the 2016 election have become crystal clear: Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States, and Donald Trump is one of the craziest and most unqualified individuals ever to seek the Oval Office.

Just when one thinks that Trump can’t possibly come up with anything more egregious to say, he manages to surprise everyone with something even crazier.  On Saturday, Trump’s topper was his suggestion that he and Hillary Clinton submit to a drug test before the next debate, which is scheduled for next Wednesday in Las Vegas, NV.

I think she’s actually getting pumped up, she’s getting pumped up, you understand, she’s getting pumped up for Wednesday night. We’re like athletes. Athletes they make them take a drug test. I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate. I do. I think … Why don’t we do that? We should take a drug test prior because I don’t know what’s going on with her.
Donald Trump – Slate

More WikiLeaks hacked emails were released during the past week. Not surprisingly, the hacked emails of campaigns chair John Podesta and other Clinton staffers contained some items that, taken out of context, produced a sound bite or two, but there was certainly no ‘smoking gun’ that would change the course of the campaign.

Among the more interesting documents released last week were full transcripts of some of Hillary Clinton’s speeches before financial groups, such as Goldman Sachs. What the transcripts reveal is the more moderate and practical side of Hillary Clinton that has been apparent throughout her political career.

There’s nothing magic about regulations, too much is bad, too little is bad. There are so many places in the country where the banks are not doing what they need to do because they’re scared of regulations, they’re scared of the other shoe dropping.
Hillary Clinton – NPR

While not the bold line in the sand that Bernie Sanders and Elisabeth Warren would prefer Clinton take with the banking industry, her position more closely resembles that of the majority of people in the country who believe that there is just as much danger from a government that over-regulates as there from under regulation.

The transcripts also show that Hillary Clinton recognizes and respects the art of compromise. Perhaps the Democrats will be able to ride the train wreck that Donald Trump is creating for the  Republican party all the way to control of Congress, but the more likely outcome of the election is that Republicans will at least continue to control the House. There is more hope for Democrats taking control of the Senate, but even if they do manage to gain control, the margin will be thin.

Hillary Clinton has always known that to be effective in politics you need to keep the big picture in view and be willing to compromise on certain positions to accomplish long-term objectives.

The compromise may not be perfect. In fact, it rarely is, but it represents the big thinking and the political will that is currently available in order to make a decision.
Hillary Clinton – NPR

As the country has digested Trump’s disgusting behavior towards women, his poll numbers have declined while Hillary’s have climbed. The latest Real Clear Politics poll average has Clinton with a 5.5-point lead over Trump with the election just three weeks from tomorrow.

For now, Hillary’s best strategy is to let Trump continue to talk himself into one mess after another, a skill that is unique to Donald Trump. Hillary’s supporters should be prepared for even more outrageous accusations from Trump as he gets more desperate in the final weeks of the election.

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